
Scones and amazing Latte Macchiato for dinner!

135 Max Combo. Enough said.

I watched this movies recently. Donnie Darko absolutely win my heart.. Makes me stand up and yell "WHY HAVEN'T I SEEN IT BEFORE?!".
Even though I didn't get out the house that much, I got this cold. And my maxillary wisdom tooth are growing insanely fast. I think wisdom ain't necessarily lacking on my teeth.. but in other parts of my body.

 And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had.


So grandpa knocked on my bedroom's door this morning and called me. I opened the door and he delivered me a package of my favorite butter cookie, that he had bought this morning. And he said it would give me strength to do tomorrows exam. My grandpa ain't one in a million, he's one in six billion.


Suddenly I just made this hand full of enemies. Well, not enemies, but people who really don't like me.
And, the truth is I really don't give a fuck and have never felt better. It only means I stood up for something I think it's right. I'm done with all this suck everything up because I don't want troubles and I'm suppose to get along with everyone. Fuck that, I don't care. I don't like everybody and not everybody will like me. That's life and I'm 100% okay with it.


Yesterday afternoon was great. I went to IKEA with Rebeca and some of her friends.
I bought the cutest cactus ever, new curtains, two plastic binders and the bedspread i was so eager to buy. This is the one..:

[Cactus picture was taken by me.]

After that we went to Starbucks, in Belém, and had a yummy meal. I completely fall in love with the mocha frappuccino and the cinnamon swirl bread. I had never tried those and both we're so so great. *double win*

Speaking of food.. I've been feeding myself pretty well, I don't remember eating this much since god knows when.. I'm already 1.5kg heavier since last week.

I played some DDR today, haven't touched the game in a while. I think I'm getting good at it because it amuses me endlessly. But alas, I cannot save my games since I haven't bought a memory card yet.
Well I'm listening to J-pop, thanks to it, because the music I'm best of is this one.. I can't keep my feet still.

And that's all folks!

Dinner is served. 
Baguette with garlic butter and a glass of natural orange juice. 

[actually this was my dinner from a few days ago] 


One day, when I was at primary school, a boy came towards me and said I had a very awkward face. Somehow I never forgot that, as I never forgot that boy's ugly face. Although I never notified him of that opinion of mine..

This reminds of a very pretty story my best friend told me a couple of days ago.

Era uma vez um rapazinho que dizia mal de tudo e todos, conforme as coisas lhe vinham à cabeça. Ele não tinha amigos, andava triste e ninguém gostava dele. Um dia, o pai chamou-o e disse-lhe: 
-" Meu filho, quando quiseres dizer algo mau a alguém, não o faças. Em vez disso, espeta um prego nesta tábua."
E assim fez o rapaz. Que foi ganhando cada vez mais amigos, andava feliz. Foi pregando e pregando até que a tábua ficou cheia de pregos.. Foi então ter com o seu pai.
-"Agora vais tirar todos os pregos da tábua."
Ele tirou prego a prego da tábua, deixando esta cheia de buracos.
-"É isto que deixas nas pessoas quando lhes dizes algo mau. Marcas, buracos.. Que qualquer que seja a tua intenção e por muitas desculpas que peças não vão sarar nem apagar aquilo que disseste. Percebes assim o peso das tuas acções."


So yesterday I finally changed my medication to something new. It will give me more energy and appetite. Well, I already ate an entire box of butter cookies. But on the other hand, this makes me SO sleepy and lazy. Today I slept 15h. yeah.. 15 HOURS! What a waste of time. I couldn't keep my eyes open! I have so much to study..

Yesterday I went to the beach with cookie and my cousin. She chased some cats, run like crazy and made friends with a german sheppard puppy. I took a picture with my voigtlander, can't wait to develop the film!

Some dudes are bringing down the pine cone trees that I have in from of my house. I was so angry about that, the birds were flying away like mad, the pour things are losing their homes. I really hope they don't build another house there. I like that space empty.


Well, hello! I'm Luísa and I'm going to share with you a bit of my thoughts about life. :)

This is a photo my dear friend Ana took, in Quiaios, Figueira da Foz.
The fluffy cuteness is Nick, we were room mates for the weekend. <3